Discipleship Group Opportunity

Beginning in September, Trevor & Kristen Schmidt will be leading a unique Life Group through the discipleship intensive, "Untying the Knots of the Heart." This group will meet on Tuesdays from 6:00-9:00pm and is open to anyone who is interested and able to commit the time the program requires. Trevor & Kristen participated in a group last year and were deeply impacted by the course.  They are eager to go through it again with others from our church.

The curriculum is a group discipleship process that provides the opportunity to assess your life through 5 different modules:

  1. We visit and reflect on our own backgrounds and personal life experiences that have impacted and shaped our default beliefs, instincts, and behaviors.

  2. We begin the process of introducing ourselves to the family environment of the Trinity.

  3. We seek to better understand our inner life in light of what we learned about our life stories and our new Heavenly Family environment.

  4. We explore how identity, emotions, and pain affect our communication and relationships with others.

  5. We learn invaluable perspectives and life skills God has given us, helping us enter back into a chaotic, stressful, pain-filled world of relationships and challenging circumstances, yet still filled with authentic love, joy, peace, and hope God intends to keep us fully alive and thriving.

For a glimpse of this profound experience, please watch this insightful 4-minute reflection video:

The process takes a lot of time and effort but is very rich! Each week there is a three-hour meeting and generally a couple more hours of personal reflection and reading. Also, to create an environment where people are comfortable discussing and sharing their lives, we would be asking that participants not miss more than two sessions a semester. This can feel difficult, but is extremely rewarding!

Would you consider being part of this unique discipleship group opportunity? The cost is $95 dollars a semester for the materials, although there are scholarships available for those who need them.

For more information or to sign-up to take part, contact Trevor Schmidt at (719) 588-8094 or Kristen Schmidt at (719) 588-2710. Or you can email Kristen at kristenschmidt87@gmail.com. In order to complete the process necessary to start the group, you must let Trevor or Kristen know you want to join no later than September 1st.