Easter: Jesus Changed My Life

This year on Easter our church won’t be meeting in person. Yet more than ever people need hope—not the temporary hope of toilet paper or faster COVID-19 tests, but rather the never ending hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ! This is the time for God’s people, the church, to rise up and proclaim the hope that we have in Jesus through his righteous life, death on behalf of us and our sins on the cross, and his resurrection in power where he is today at the right hand of God our father.

What if this year, instead of bringing neighbors and friends to church to hear an Easter sermon with a strong gospel message, you took the message to them? What if on Easter morning all our friends, family, and neighbors saw in their Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and every other feed imaginable a slew of messages from the Christians in their life declaring how great the news of Easter is because of Jesus Christ and his work on our behalf for our salvation? And what if you, as Table Rock Church, could sit back and be encouraged to hear the multitude of ways our God worked his great story for the good of your friends at Table Rock on Easter morning?

What would this take for you to be a part of this?

1. Write out your story.

The gospel, or good news or good story, is about the amazing story of Jesus Christ and how he is the hero of God’s story, and your story. Whenever we share about what God has done for us in Jesus we want to be sure to focus on him. We want to help you write a simple, one-minute (or less) description of how Jesus is the hero of your story.

2. Video yourself sharing your story.

Again, remember, this is video clip that is a minute or less, so you can do it! Take time to read or simply say the story you wrote about Jesus and his amazing salvation of you! Be sure to take a good video!

Tips on taking a good video:

  • Simple clean backdrops are ideal —Avoid distracting backgrounds or crowded spaces.

  • Natural light is best — Avoid backlighting. The main source of light should be facing you, not behind you.

  • If you have to use artificial light — Avoid standing directly below an overhead light or anything else that creates hard shadows. Consider using a lamp several feet away from your face for good indirect light.

  • Shoot eye level — Shooting from above will make you seem diminished. Shooting from below can make you seem imposing. Eye level communicates accessibility.

  • Clean your camera — Seriously, when was the last time you wiped off that lens?

  • Shoot portrait — Contrary to almost any other video you will shoot, if it is for social media, shoot portrait…it fits best in their phone/ipad!

3. Share your video.

First, send your short video to hello@tablerock.church and we will create a compilation of all our videos for our body to watch on Easter morning. Second, on Easter, share your videos on your social media channels along with the hashtag #Jesuschagedmylife and the @TableRockChurch tag. We will have a link on Table Rock social media pages for the morning of Easter directing people to a simple gospel message and more information about how to get involved in their local church or Table Rock specifically.

4. Pray and be encouraged!

Pray that God will use your sharing of how #Jesuschangedmylife will affect someone in your family, your neighborhood, or your friend group. On Easter, join us in watching the Table Rock videos (link will be sent out directly to our members/attenders) and be encouraged that the same God who saved you through Jesus Christ has also saved your friends at Table Rock. What an amazing God we have!


Easter: Joy in Jesus!


The Church Online: How Do We Gather Virtually?