An Empty Tomb (Easter in View)

A little more than 2,000 years ago, a man named Jesus walked the earth and changed everything. Historians nearly unanimously agree to this fact. Where they disagree is in who exactly this man was. Was he a prophet? A wise teacher? Merely an influential figure? Or, as he claimed, was he the son of God? 

There is very strong evidence that Jesus was exactly who he claimed to be: God incarnate, the Messiah. And one of the strongest cases for this is the empty tomb we get to celebrate on Easter. Jesus lived and walked the earth as a man, but being fully God, he defeated death. And, in Christ, we have the promise that we, too, will one day rise again. What incredible hope is found in this for we who believe that Jesus is Lord. Jesus’ empty tomb is worthy of great celebration, which is why Easter is an especially sweet season for us. 

In Christ’s defeat of sin and death, we see just how faithful our God is. Every long awaited prophesy was fulfilled, every law of God perfectly satisfied, every promise from the Lord accomplished, and every hope of redemption realized. Behold, he makes all things new! 

Easter this year is the first Sunday in April. From now until then, let us think about what God might fulfill in our lives that would bring him glory and increase our joy. What treasures in his Word might come to light in your reading time? What lessons might he have for you to see? How will he grow you next? Jesus fulfilled all the law in his life, satisfied every penalty for sin with his sacrificial death, and provided abundant hope in his resurrection. Yet his work in us is not finished!

Just as Springtime brings with it an anticipation of warming weather and the vibrancy of color in renewed flowers, let us also anticipate warming hearts and renewed life in our faith through the Spirit’s work in us. What will Jesus fulfill in you in this next season? May we each look forward with eager anticipation at what God will do in us as we prepare for Easter, where we get to celebrate our risen King! 


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