Youth Ministry

Grades 6th - 12th

Our teens are a valued part of our church community. It is a joy to partner with parents in ministering to this next generation. We desire for them to come to know and treasure Christ, through Gospel-centered teaching, joy-filled fellowship, and the powerful working of the Holy Spirit in their lives.

Every other Sunday, our 6th-12th grade youth gather with leaders from the church after Sunday service in our church garage from 11:45 am - 1:00 pm for a time of fellowship, gospel teaching, conversation, and fun. To see the upcoming dates when our Youth Group will meet, visit our Events Page HERE.

On Sundays, our youth join the rest of our body in the service. If they would like, they are invited to sign-up to serve with others in the body on a monthly basis by helping out with children’s Sunday school, assisting with audio/visuals, greeting, serving communion, participating in the worship band, or reading scripture.

The youth also gather at other times throughout the year for various parties and retreats. For more information, you can email